RFID vs Vehicle Identification Numbers

October 19, 2021

RFID vs Vehicle Identification Numbers

If you’re in the supply chain industry or have bought a new vehicle, you’ve probably heard of both RFID technology and Vehicle Identification Numbers or VINs. These two identification systems have multiple applications in various fields. In this blog post, we’ll compare RFID technology and VINs and explore their differences and similarities.

What is RFID technology?

RFID technology stands for Radio Frequency Identification. It uses electromagnetic fields to transfer data, identify and track objects. RFID tags or labels can be attached to any object and can track it from a distance. Companies use RFID technology to monitor inventory, track shipments, and monitor products during transportation.

What are Vehicle Identification Numbers (VINs)?

Vehicle Identification Numbers or VINs are unique identification numbers assigned to each vehicle when it's manufactured. These thirteen-digit numbers contain information about the model, year of manufacture, and the plant where it was produced. VINs are used to track and identify vehicles for legal and insurance purposes, as well as for manufacturing and engineering review.

Similarities between RFID and VIN

Both RFID technology and VINs are used for identification and tracking purposes. They both contain unique identification data that can be used to locate and track a specific object, product or vehicle.

Differences between RFID and VIN

RFID technology stands out from VINs as an advanced and reliable tracking tool. Here are some of the key differences between the two:

RFID Technology Vehicle Identification Numbers (VINs)
Range Can track objects from a distance up to 100 feet away VINs are only used to track vehicles
Data Collected Can collect and store data on the product or cargo VINs only contain information about the vehicle
Cost RFID hardware can be expensive and requires specialized software VINs are issued by the automaker and cost nothing to the vehicle owner
Application RFID technology is used in multiple applications including supply chain, retail industry, and transportation VINs are used exclusively to identify and track vehicles

Which is better, RFID or VIN?

Choosing between RFID and VIN depends on the purpose of identification and tracking. While VINs are mandated by law and are a cost-effective means to track vehicles, RFID technology is a more advanced tracking tool that can be used in multiple applications. Additionally, RFID technology can help improve supply chain management by providing real-time tracking and reducing inventory loss.

In conclusion, both RFID technology and VINs serve as an identification and tracking mechanism, but RFID technology has more advanced features and greater potential for improving supply chain management.


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